From 2017, there has been an intervention-research project in operation in Prato, within the domain of the SATIS ( Tuscan Anti-trafficking Social Intervention System) Project. Its focus lies in serious labour exploitation and illegal employment. The research, carried out by/with/through the main players in the sector (trade unionists, contacts in asylum seeker facilities, cultural mediators) and migrant workers who have been exploited in the workplace, has documented and investigated the various forms of labour exploitation and illegal employment in the textile-clothing industry and in agriculture.

Observation activities as well as group and individual consultation services for those at risk for labour exploitation were carried out. From May 2018, there has been a Help-desk in place in Prato City Council, that deals with information, consultation and reporting cases of serious labour exploitation.

Contact: Andrea Cagioni

Head Office: Comune di Prato

Commissioned by: Department of Equal Opportunity in the Prime Minister’s Office, Region of Tuscany – Department for Social Inclusion, Co-financing with Prato City Council.