
Our services

In more than thirty years of activity, CAT has moved from being a small cooperative – active only in Florence and surroundings – to today’s recognized status as one of Tuscany’s most important third sector organisations. From the outset, CAT has been involved in projects and services aimed to prevent and reduce harm related to, and to fight against exclusion and social marginality. Over the years, it has expanded its sectors and areas of competence. Since the early 2000s, projects and services have been set up in areas such as immigration, prostitution and human trafficking, job orientation and social inclusion, linguistic and cultural mediation as well as childhood. Since 2019, CAT has also managed residential facilities for people with pathological substance use disorders.

Our strength has always been – and still is – innovation, which means the ability to intervene on emerging social phenomena in an original way and to test new working methods. Another guideline for our projects is the constant attention towards changes in society, needs, lifestyles as well as social policies. From the first Street Operators to our work in illegal nightclubs and raves, from our Mobile Unit for prostitutes to research on labour exploitation, from ethnopsychiatry to our Theatre of the oppressed and rap music workshops in juvenile prisons – our history is made up of challenges off the beaten track.

Immigration and Reception


Our Immigration and Humanitarian Reception Section manages services aimed to support foreign citizens, and provides information and guidance in immigration, regular stay and asylum, linguistic-cultural mediation, interpreting and translation services, reception facilities and socio-cultural integration paths.

Children and Teenagers


This section manages youth centres, study support activities, workshops, play libraries, kindergartens, nursery schools as well as parenting support services. Our educators are engaged in leisure-time social activities through proposals aimed at enhancing cultural and recreational activities.

Prostitution and human trafficking


This section designs and manages projects in support of victims of human trafficking and exploitation, such as risk reduction mobile units – for prostitutes who work on the streets, those who are forced to beg, and those who are exploited at work -, drop-in centres, shelters, as well as linguistic-cultural mediation services.

Prevention and harm reduction


This section manages harm reduction interventions aimed at people who abuse psychotropic drugs, as well as prevention services, information on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases aimed at young people in a model of territorial empowerment.

Addictions and mental disorders


This section designs and manages interventions for the care and rehabilitation of people who are addicted to legal and illegal psychotropic substances and with mental disorders. Since it merged with Insieme Association, CAT has strengthened its know-how in this field.

Social inclusion and minorities


CAT’s Social Inclusion and Minorities section works with prisoners, vulnerable groups, people excluded from the labour market, as well as Romani people. Individuals who not only struggle, but often have to fight social stigma, rejection, distrust, and low self-esteem. Our projects involve prevention and health protectionm school support, tutoring, training, and job orientation.