CAT has been busy in the socio-economic integration sector since 1999, through the provision of consultation services (info-employment help-desks, orientation) tutoring and guidance. In recent years it has developed innovative methods for the implementation of Orientation and Inclusion programmes, based on personal and community empowerment and social animation.

We are currently involved in the following projects:


Orientation and Social Inclusion Project.  Multi-dimensional programmes for active inclusion.

In particular, this project involves:

1. Active Inclusion exercises for disadvantaged people, based on the SIA/REI model;

2. coaching and training programmes and activities that are dedicated to sustaining the evolution of ideas and proposals for self-entrepreneurship, in partnership with third sector parties in the local area;

3. community and social empowerment programmes through which the most disadvantaged categories of people in society are assisted and take responsibility for their own actions through the acquisition of information and basic skills that are necessary for them to manage their own social, working and formative lives.

The approach is multi-dimensional and centred on the “community and social empowerment” model. The programme is characterised by  several innovative elements: in particular, the collaborative and creative approach, open to ongoing co-planning, based on the key concepts such as the personalisation of interventions, the presence of a multidisciplinary team, “taking-charge” of the entire family unit which aims at providing answers to complex needs that require, as a consequence, putting personalised evaluation interventions, consultations and the implementation of specific intervention projects into place.

CAT plans, and puts into place, interventions that are funded by FSE, in particular in the sector relating to integration projects for people with disabilities or who have problems that are inherent with mental health or socially disadvantaged conditions. (REATTIVI Project in South-East Florence, Per.La Project in Florence Centre, VALI Project in North-West Florence and the LEA Project in Empolese Valdelsa).

The Cooperative has founded and supports the social call centre, Nexus. Nexus is a call centre for scouting for businesses where disadvantaged people can work.  Its role is to build a communication strategy with the business world, looking for businesses that are ready to provide training integration and employment for socially disadvantaged people, people with disabilities and people with mental health issues who have been referred by social services (matching and tutoring). It also takes care of the creation and implementation of a business data base. The project was established through self-financing and a collaboration between CAT and the Coop. The Cenacolo and the Fondazione Adecco is currently in part financed by the “PerLa di Firenze” Project and it takes care of scouting and matching in said project.

CAT coordinates the MELT 2 regional project for the “Consorzio Metropoli” in the areas of Arezzo, Florence and Siena. The main objectives of this project are the adoption of an innovative intervention model based on the coordination and integration of service resources for orientation and employment on the one hand, and social welfare services on the other. The aims are to offer coordinated and global answers to those who need them; facilitate the local population’s access to local services and enhance the public-private network.

In relation to work-placement interventions in the year 2018 that were specifically aimed at people from third countries, CAT took part in the planning on behalf of the Consorzio Metropoli of FAMI  (Migration and Integration Asylum Fund), of “Commit”, presented by the Region of Tuscany (Employment Department) and A.N.C.I. (National Association of Italian Town Councils); project admissible for funding.

Contact: Sabrina Manuela Emilio s.emilio@coopcat.it

Commissioned by: Florence City Council, Region of Tuscany