Play Centres

The La Tana dell’Orso and Nidiaci Play Centres are two services that offer support to families, promoting the  culture of game-playing, collaboration and relational integration between parents and their children. They welcome children from 0 to 11 years, accompanied by an adult. These are places where the community learns to live and grow together and where children find, in adults, a play-mate.

La Ludoteca La Tana dell’Orso has been active since 2017 and is located in Quartiere 2. It consists of three rooms on the ground floor, for playing and hanging out, and a garden outside: there is a “make-believe” corner and a pool of coloured balls. It is also possible to borrow toys and books and to take part in little workshops. The daily activities programme, which is aimed at the different age-groups, uses technical methods such as the handling of different materials, painting, narration, theatre, reading and symbolic play. 

La Ludoteca Nidiaci has been active since 2012 and is located in the Oltrarno area in Florence.  It consists of a large, recently renovated premises, with a big games room for older children, a room of soft toys for the smaller kids, a wide corridor with little play corners and a library. There is also a big open green space outside. Interculturalism and family interaction characterise this safe place where young people can grow together and experiment through new and communicative methods, through free play and guided laboratories.

For several years, CAT educators, pedagogues and psychologists have offered support services to parents, as mediators in relational management in the case of separation.  They organise regular meetings on the difficult themes relating to the different phases of a child’s growth process in life.

Contact: Antonella Bartoli

  • Ludoteca La Tana dell’Orso: Quartiere 2, Viale De Amicis 21

Partner/rete del progetto/servizio: Consorzio Metropoli

  • Ludoteca Nidiaci: Quartiere 1, Via Maffia 25

Partner/Project Network/Service: Consorzio Metropoli / Cooperativa Elfo

Commissioned by: Florence City Council-Education Office –  Local Educational Activities Department